
Natalia Glukhova

exclusively for Novaya Gazeta Europe

21 articles

‘Going back to Russia would be a dead-end street’ A Russian man who refused to fight in Ukraine has been denied political asylum by Norway


Deathbed alliance The Russian-led Collective Security Treaty Organisation has never looked so moribund


Swap meat Experts consider the cost and consequences of the largest ever prisoner exchange between Russia and the West


Russia’s wasted decade The World Bank has just reclassified Russia as a high-income country, but how accurate is that designation?


Terror’s return Sunday’s coordinated attack on law enforcement and religious institutions in Muslim-majority Dagestan has brought back many dark memories


Pen versus sword The dozens of Ukrainian journalists held in Russian jails have little hope of release


Troubled waters The flooding of old uranium wells in the Russian Urals is putting local residents at risk of radiation poisoning

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